This week we started by revising the verbs in the future tense - El futuro
First, we brainstormed verbs that can be used to talk about holidays:
ir - to go
viajar - to travel
nadar - to swim
visitar - to visit
quedarse - to stay
alojarse - to stay
alquilar - to rent
ver - to see
comer / cenar - to eat / to have dinner
beber - to drink
conocer a - to meet someone for the first time
quedar con - to meet with / to catch up
caminar - to walk
bailar - to dance
dormir - to sleep
descansar - to rest relajarse - to relax
leer - to read
tomar el sol - to sunbathe
montar en bicicleta - to ride a bike
aprender sobre el país - to learn about the country
pasar (tiempo) - to spend time
gastar (dinero) - to spend money
ganar dinero - to win / earn money
comprar / ir de compras - to go shopping
practicar la lengua - to practise the language
ponerse moreno - to get a tan
quemarse - to get sunburnt
El futuro próximo - The near future (used for plans)
Verb IR in presente tense according to the person + a + verb in infinitive:
voy a tomar el sol - I am going to sunbathe
va a bailar salsa - He / she is going to dance salsa
vamos a cantar - we are going to sing
El futuro simple - The simple future (used for predictions)
Verb in infinitive + ending: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án.
tomaré el sol - I will sunbathe
bailará salsa - He/she will dance salsa
cantaremos - We will sing
Irregular verbs
tener (to have) - tendré, tendrás, tendrá...
saber (to know something) - sabré, sabrás, sabrá...
poder (to be able to) - podré, podrás, podrá...
hacer (to do/make) - haré, harás, hará...
salir (to go out) - saldré, saldrás, saldrá...
haber (to have) - habré, habrás, habrá...
We filled in the gaps in the sentences on page 17:
1.Las chicas van a ir al cine mañana por la tarde
The girls are going to the cinema tomorrow afternoon/evening.
2.Trabajará en el supermercado todos los sabádos.
He/she will work in the supermarket every Saturday.
3.Nos levantaremos temprano el domingo por la mañana.
We will get up early on Sunday morning.
4.No voy a estudiar este fin de semana.
I am not going to study this weekend.
5.Habrá mucha gente en la fiesta.
There will be a lot of people at the party.
6.Nadaremos en el mar durante el verano.
We will swim in the sea during the summer.
7.No podrá salir esta noche.
He/she won't be able to go out tonight.
8.El profesor de Historia va a poner muchos deberes a los alumnos.
The History teacher is going to give a lot of homework to the students.
9.Vamos a comprar regalos para nuestros abuelos.
We are going to buy presents for our grandparents.
10.¿Qué harás si hace buen tiempo?
What will you do if the weather is good?
In pairs we planned a holiday using the information given on page 16:
Viajar a todo tren - Travelling by train / Travelling very fast
- El viaje empezará con unas cervezas en el tren
The trip will begin with a few beers on the train.
We will get there at 12.- Recorreremos la ciudad y almorzaremos en un restaurante típico
We will walk around the city and we will have lunch at a typical restaurant- Disfrutaremos de un baile y música
We will enjoy a dance and music- Visitaremos Sevilla y disfrutaremos del bullicio de la ciudad.
We will visit Seville and we will enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city.- Alquilaremos bicicletas para recorrer la ciudad
We will hire bikes to go around the city- Daremos muchos paseos también
We will go for a lot of walks as well.- Volveremos a casa tras cinco días
We will return home after five days.
New vocabulary:
seriedad - seriousness
se viste de fiesta - it dresses itself up
disfrutar - to enjoy
paisaje - landscape
lujo - luxury
disponer - to have
recorrer - to tour
bullicio - the crowds, the hustle and bustle
alegría - joy
detener - to stop
barrio judío - Jewish quarter
salidas - departures