Saturday, March 19, 2022


 Class 9

We talked a little about our memories of St. Patrick´s Day.

el trébol – shamrock

el desfile – the parade

la Cuaresma – lent

teñir – to colour, tint, dye

tiñen los ríos de verde – the dye the rivers green

Veíamos el desfile desde nuestra casa

To talk about repeated actions in the past we need the imperfect

AR verbs - ….aba

IR/ER verbs - ….. ía

Mi padre traía muchos bombones a casa

Tomábamos un descanso en la cuaresma

caminábamos en el desfile

íbamos a misa – we used to go to mass

comíamos mucho chocolate


We went on to listen to a song

Brujería – Witchcraft

We first mentioned that in Spanish the “d” is often not pronounced, especially when the word ends in “-ado” – this happens in this song a lot

Estoy cansa’o, he trabaja’o mucho.

la bruja

el demonio – the demon

Arrebatar – to take away, steal away, seduce, captivate

echar – to put, to throw at, to throw out

el caminato – the way someone has of walking

la porquería – rubbish, junk, something shameful – used for anything negative or shoddy

la tumba fría – the cold grave

me echaste un no-sé-qué en la comida – you put an I-don’t-know-what in my food

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