This week we started by revising the present tense with statements on Spanish celebrations:
- En San
Valentín la gente dice ‘te quiero’ a su pareja - On Valentine’s day people
say ‘I love you’ to their partner.
- En el día de
la madre la gente regala flores a su madre - On Mother’s Day the people
gift flowers to their mother.
- En San
Fermín, la gente corre delante de un toro - On San Fermín, the people run
in front of a bull.
- En la Feria
de Abril la gente baila y bebe vino dulce en las casetas - On Feria de
Abril the people dance and drink sweet wine in the houses - tents.
- En Halloween
la gente come dulces y ve películas de terror - On Halloween people eat
sweets and watch horror films.
- En
Nochebuena la gente come pavo y va a misa - On Christmas Eve people eat
turkey and go to mass.
- En
Nochevieja la gente come doce uvas y bebe sidra - On New Years Eve the
people eat twelve grapes and drink cider.
- En el
cumpleaños la gente come tarta y sopla las velas - On their birthdays
people eat cake and blow the candles.
In pairs, we came up with ideas on what people
do on Saint Patrick’s day - San Patricio
La gente bebe cerveza - The people drink beer
La gente duerme mucho - The people sleep a lot
La gente va al desfile - The people go to the
La gente toca un instrumento y baila - The
people play an instrument and dance
La gente visita a su familia - The people
visit their families
In the second part of the class, we started
the topic of tapas on page 13:
la ensaladilla rusa - Potato salad
las gambas - prawns
las aceitunas - olives
la tortilla de patatas - Spanish omelette
(potato omelette)
las albóndigas - meatballs
las croquetas - croquettes
las almendras - almonds
los boquerones - anchovies
el chorizo - chorizo
el gazpacho - cold tomato and vegetable soup
el jamón - ham
In the last part of the class, we worked on
the listening activity on pages 14 and 15:
Dígame, ¿qué desea? - Tell me, what would you
A ver, una caña de cerveza, una fanta de
limón, un café con leche y una copa de vino tinto de la casa - Let me see, a
glass of beer, a lemon Fanta, a coffee with milk and a glass of red wine from
the house.
Muy bien, ¿quiere usted una cerveza grande o
pequeña? - Very good, would you like a big or small beer?
Pequeña - small
¿Lo van a tomar en la terraza? - Are you going
to have it on the terrace/outside area?
Sí, ya que hace buen tiempo - Yes, as the
weather is very nice
¿Qué tapas hay? - What tapas are there?
Tortilla de patatas, ensaladilla rusa,
aceitunas, albóndigas, croquetas, gambas - Spanish omelette, potato salad,
olives, meatballs, croquettes, prawns
Bueno, ¿nos pone una ración de gambas y otra
de tortilla de patatas? - Well, can we get a portion of prawns and another of
the omelette?
Pero la tortilla fría, sin calentarla. Y un
poco de pan y aceite - But the omelette cold, without heating it. And a little
bread and oil.
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