Saturday, April 22, 2023


 This week we started with a short introduction about ourselves. Then we revised the weather on page 3:


hace frío - it is cold

hace calor - it is hot

hace viento - it is windy

hace sol - it is sunny

hay nieve - it is snowy

hay lluvia / está lloviendo - it is raining

hay cielos despejados - there are clear skies

hay niebla - it is foggy

hay relámpagos - it is stormy

está nublado - it is cloudy


We went on to revise the physical descriptions on page 4:


Foto 1: Es moreno, es joven y tiene gafas - He has dark hair, he is young and has glasses.

Foto 2: Es gordito, tiene barba pero no tiene pelo - He is chubby, has a beard but has no hair.

Foto 3: Es anciano, tiene el pelo blanco y bigote blanco. Tiene gafas - He is old, has white hair and a beard. He has glasses.

Foto 4: Es alto, no tiene pelo y tiene gafas - he is tall, has no hair and has glasses

Foto 5: Es pelirrojo y tiene barba. Tiene los ojos verdes - He has red hair and a beard. He has green eyes.

Foto 6: Es un actor. Es moreno y tiene bigote. Tiene los ojos azules - He is an actor. He has dark hair and has a mustache. He has blue eyes.

Foto 7: Es guapa y joven. Es morena y tiene el pelo liso y largo. Tiene gafas. She is pretty and young. He has long, straight dark hair and has glasses.

Foto 8: Tiene el pelo largo y tiene barba. He has long hair and has a beard.

Foto 9: No tiene pelo pero tiene barba. Es un actor muy famoso - He has no hair but has a beard. He is a very famous actor.

Foto 10: Es pelirroja y tiene el pelo ondulado y largo. Tiene gafas - She has wavy long red hair and has glasses.

Foto 11: Es joven. Tiene el pelo largo y liso - She is young. She has straight long hair.

Foto 12: Es rubio. Tiene el pelo corto - He has blond hair. His hair is short.

Foto 13: Es muy joven. Tiene el pelo marrón y los ojos azules. -She is very young. She has brown hair and blue eyes.


We also revised some numbers on page 5:


85 - ochenta y cinco

73 - setenta y tres

51 - cincuenta y uno

99 - noventa y nueve

36 - treinta y seis

77 - setenta y siete

49 - cuarenta y nueve

67 - sesenta y siete

85 - ochenta y cinco

32 - treinta y dos


In the last part of the class, we revised the body parts:

el ojo - the eye

el brazo - the arm

el dedo - the finger

el corazón - the heart

la mano - the hand

el pelo - the hair

los dientes - the teeth

la nariz - the nose

la oreja - the ear

la cara - the face

el pie - the foot

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Beginners 2 - class 8 (11/06/24)

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