In the first part of the class we revised the
topic of illnesses and advice:
Me duelen las muelas
del juicio - I have a pain in my wisdom teeth
Deberías ir al
dentista - You should go to the dentist
Tengo migrañas - I
have migraines
Deberías descansar -
You should rest
Estoy muy estresado y
tengo falta de sueño - I am very stressed and I have lack of sleep
Necesitas descansar -
You should rest
Tengo sobrepeso - I
am overweight
Deberías dejar el
chocolate - You should give up chocolate
In the second part of the class, we started
the topic of physical descriptions on pages 23 and 24:
¿Cómo es él/ella? – What’s he/she
Él es bajo – He is short
Él es alto – He is tall
Él es gordo – He is fat
Él es delgado – He is thin
Él es viejo – He is old
Ella es joven – She is young
Ella es rubia – She is blond
Ella es morena – She has dark hair
Ella es pelirroja – She is ginger
Él es feo – He is ugly
Ella es guapa – She is pretty
Tiene los ojos verdes / marrones / azules
– He/she has green / brown / blue eyes
Tiene el pelo largo / corto / rizado – He
has long / short / curly hair
Lleva barba / gafas / bigote – He has a
beard / glasses / moustache
In the last part of the class, we worked
in pairs and described the pictures on page 25:
1.Ellos son delgados y guapos. Él es
moreno y ella es rubia. Ella tiene el pelo largo y él tiene el pelo corto. They
are slim and pretty. He has dark hair and she is blond. She has long hair and
he has short hair.
2.Él es gordo y calvo. Él bebe una
cerveza. – He is fat and bald. He is drinking a beer.
3. Él lleva un sombrero, lleva gafas y
tiene barba. Tiene pelo canoso – He is wearing a hat, he is wearing glasses and
he has a beard. He has white hair.
4. Él es delgado y calvo. Lleva gafas y
barba de chivo – He is slim and bald. He is wearing glasses and goatee beard.
5.Él tiene un sombrero, tiene los ojos
verdes y lleva barba – He has a hat, green eyes and a beard
6.Ella es guapa, es morena y lleva gafas
– She is pretty, she has dark hair and she’s wearing glasses.
7.Ella es delgada, es pelirroja y tiene
el pelo corto y rizado. She is slim, she is ginger.
8.Es joven. Es rubia y
tiene el pelo largo. – She is Young, blonde and has long hair.
9.Es pelirroja. Tiene el
pelo ondulado y largo. Lleva gafas. – He is ginger, she has long, wavy hair.
She has glasses.
10.Es moreno. Lleva
bigote. Tiene los ojos marrones. Tiene tatuajes. He has dark hair. He has a
moustache and Brown eyes. He has tattoos.
11.Es guapo. Tiene el
pelo moreno y rizado. Tiene los ojos azules y lleva bigote. – He is
good-looking. He has dark curly hair. He has blue eyes and has a moustache.
12.Es calvo. Lleva barba
y tiene los ojos azules. – He is bald. He has a beard and has blue eyes.
13.Es feo. Tiene los
dientes y las orejas grandes. Tiene el pelo corto y moreno. – He is ugly. He
has big teeth and ears. He has short and black hair.
14.Es joven. Es guapa.
Tiene el pelo moreno y los ojos azules. – She is Young, she is pretty, she has
dark hair and blue eyes.
15.Es morena. Tiene el
pelo largo y liso. – She is brunette. Her hair is long and straight.
16.Es pelirrojo. Tiene
el pelo liso y corto. Es pálido. – He is ginger. His hair is short and