Saturday, March 12, 2022


 Clase 8

We began by looking at some irregular imperatives

estar – esté

salir – sal

ser – sé

ir – ve

haz – hacer

pon - poner

decir – di

tener – ten

ten cuidado – take care

dime la verdad – tell me the truth

sé bueno/a – be good

esté tranquilo – be calm

pon la mesa – set the table


We corrected the homework from p.18

There was a lot of vocabulary in this exercise

chaleco salvavidas – a lifejacket

evitar – to avoid

un sillín – a saddle

resbalar – to slip

una tabla – a board

ten precaución – be cautious

el cabello – el pelo

zapatillas de deporte – sports shoes

adecuado – appropriate

los oídos – the inner ear

las orejas – the outer ear

tapones – ear plugs

deshidratarse – to get dehydrated

For homework we have to do exercise c on page 18 and also write 3 pieces of advice – 3 consejos – for a particular sport.

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