This week we revised the subjunctive imperfect - El imperfecto de subjuntivo - on pages 16 and 17.
¿Verdadero o falso?
1.Usamos el imperfecto de subjuntivo para expresar órdenes - We use the imperfect subjunctive to express commands - FALSO
2.Usamos el imperfecto de subjuntivo para expresar deseos - We use the imperfect subjunctive to express wishes - VERDADERO
3.Para conjugar este verbo necesitamos usar la tercera persona del verbo en presente simple - To personalise this verb we need to use the 3rd person of the verb in present simple - FALSO
4.Para conjugar este verbo necesitamos usar la tercera persona del plural del verbo en pretérito indefinido - To conjugate this verb we need to use the 3rd person plural of the verb in indefinite past - VERDADERO
On page 17, we created pieces of advice to the problems posed. Sample answers:
1.Suspendo todos los exámenes porque no estudio - I fail all the exams because I don't study
Si estudiaras más, aprobarías los exámenes - If you studied more, you would pass the exams
2.Como mucha comida basura y por eso estoy engordando - I eat a lot of fast food and that's why I am putting on weight.
Si comieras comida más saludable, adelgazarías - If you ate more healthy food, you would lose weight.
3.Trabajo mucho y no tengo tiempo para mí - I work a lot and I don't have time for myself.
Si renunciaras a tu trabajo, tendrías más tiempo libre. Es importante encontrar un equilibrio en tu vida. - If you gave up your job, you would have more free time. It is important to find balance in life.
4.No visito mucho la playa porque vivo en el centro del país. - I don't visit the beach much because I live in the centre of the country.
Si vivieras en la costa, irías a la playa más a menudo - If you lived on the coast, you would go to the beach more often.
5.El móvil me distrae muchísimo y tengo una falta de sueño terrible - The phone distracts me a lot and I have a terrible lack of sleep.
Si apagaras el móvil todas las noches, dormirías como un tronco - If you turned off your phone every night, you would sleep like a log.
Next, we posed wishes on what we would like to see in Sligo for their citizens.
¿Qué te gustaría tener en el área de Sligo que ahora no tenemos? - What would you like to have in Sligo area that we don't have now?
Ojalá Sligo tuviera más zonas comunes para los jóvenes - If only Sligo had more common areas for the young people
Ojalá Sligo tuvieras un carril de bicicletas decente - If only Sligo had a decent bike lane.
Ojalá Sligo tuviera una ruta verde - If only Sligo had a green route
Ojalá Sligo tuviera una piscina más grande y climatizada con toboganes - If only Sligo had a bigger indoor pool with slides
Ojalá Sligo tuviera más parques para los perros - If only Sligo had more parks for the dogs
Ojalá hubieran más activities para hacer en Sligo por las tardes - If only there were more activities to do in Sligo in the evenings
To wrap up the class, we listened to a song from the band Maná called Ojalá pudiera borrarte and filled up the verbs on pages 18 and 19:
borraras - you erased
pudiera - I could
olvidara - I forget
esfumara - it vanishes
Link to song:
Other words and phrases that came up in class:
hace fresco - it is chilly
engordar - to put on weight
dormir como un bebé - to sleep like a baby
masa - dough
renunciar - to give up
soñar - to dream
los ancianos - the elderly
los extranjeros - the foreigners
los guiris - tourists in Spain known for drinking a lot and getting sunburnt
tejado - roof
ciudadanos - citizens
castillos hinchables - bouncy castles
aldeas - villages
ahogar - to drown
charco - puddle
desdibujar - to undraw
largarse - to storm out
¡Lárgate de aquí! - Get out of here!
un milagro - a miracle
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